Thursday 26 June 2014

Episode Of Ecstasy **


Rewinding the day since morrow to dusk

As I’m going to pen down the memorable moment

The moment I shall never cease reminiscing about.

In the fuzzy look of dawn

When earth was craving for sun beams

When ambience held the arctic breeze

& birds were about to leave for chow.

A sort of sightsee twirl into a gad

I went out on a razzle with chummy comrades & colleagues

along the brink of Jhelum we had a voyage

& here we stepped onto the threshold of scene.

When the mesmerizing mountains,

nuzzled us in their clasp;

The puffs of air &

The warbled acoustics of stream[Jhelum]

added the soothe to our soul- In Parallel.

Time took wings like Einstein’s relativity

On our arrival, we had an alfresco lunch

And couplet of tiffs we did blithely

weird but it was a combat of peace & love

where it happened with no loss of penny

where we had nothing to wail & brood upon.

A fanatic sport we played with gusto

where we damped one another in water

where hearts met rather sever

That made a sad bursting into laughs & trills

Shimmering like emerald embers.

On the brim of chilled creek

We had a gossip, fun and fete

And we left the place with dilapidated hearts.

My words made a difference

Our amuse depicted it vividly

That the world was our oyster today.