Monday 30 March 2015

If Ever

If ever you talk to your soul
 It speaks of life and death
 And the tales of severance.
It speaks about you.
The uncanny you carry along.

If ever u get to listen to silence
It sings soothing chorus.
It speaks of the nature.
It speaks so beautifully.

If ever you watch tides
They rise and low
They come and go
How to love, they show.

If ever you listen to night
It whispers through twinkling stars
Through moon it smile on dark.

If ever you smell the breaking dawn
 It smells delicious.
It travels through dark pavements
so to bring the day.
It articulates through light.
Ahead of mountains it leaves the night.

If ever you snoop on a grave
It speaks horror
and the tale of unbridled slumber.
It speaks about the deeds and fallouts
It speaks about ail and aid.

If ever you pay attention to my Kashmir.
It'll speak to you through million tears.
Of whispering nights
and curfewed days.
Of her bruised bosom
and crimson lap.
Of her sunken eyes
and beloved people.
It'll sing you her agonizing lullabies,
And elegies for her martyrs.
It'll sing you the slogans of FREEDOM.

Friday 13 March 2015

The Phenomenal Woman

From the moment I have stepped onto the threshold of this dusty planet to gradual maturity, in addition to numerous blessings, God has laid his hands on me with a fringe-benefit in the unique shape of my maternal Granny. To the best of my recollection, I have always found this wrinkled woman with me exactly in the manner we carry breaths inside our bosom; holding me in her luxurious lap, singing lullabies to me in the times of melancholy, washing my soiled stuff, taking care of my belongings and narrating bed-time tales of Shal-kak and Hemaalsomething, at least in what I believe, the luckiest grandson on this earth.

The amount of her love I have felt myself engrossed in is simply irreplaceable. She is the treasure in the cradle of life, a kind word uttered to me by deity, a star from the heaven, a droplet to drown my child-like thirst, even as I have grown through many summers now. It feels like God has used her rib to create me like Eve was created from Adam’s rib. It feels like I’m the fruit and she is the forbidden tree and nobody shall detach us.

Not only to me but all around she has remained eternally nice, sympathetic and ready to lend a hand to the deprived folks, to her fellow citizens, to every needy person who comes her way. A very plain, down to earth lady who had no extravagances – only fathomless necessities, I can still reverie in my head that in the catastrophic times how she would conceal her glumness behind the wide smiles.

After every dreadful moment she would assure her family that God will consider her every sacrifice and tear yonder – while rolling her eyes heavenward – he will bless us with fortitude and aid. Being unlettered woman, she would occasionally preach like a thinker, “and whosoever suffers the obstacles while fulfilling the responsibilities handed over by him [God]; whosoever plant tears in his [God’s] way will harvest smiles”.

In her wise counsels, one goes like this “never get afraid if you fall short in one subject it doesn’t mean you failed your life, conquer and triumph over all the hardships of life, they will enrich your strength that will assist you to complete the voyage of life. My prayers are with you my son”.

Besides my mother and the rest of affectionate members, granny has gifted me with a pair of lovely women –maternal aunts; who have had nurtured me like a monarch, who have endured my every bitter nature, who have taught me the world and the life we breathe within its confines. My granny would be the cause behind all my victories – more than for myself, I have always wanted to win for her.

In her mid-sixties now – the once energetic and lively woman, has now been enduring with a brain tumor, the extra mass the family would never have imagined she would need to carry one day. Doctors seem to have given up, medicines go ineffective, and prayers –bunch of which she once showered on everybody – also seem to be going unheard.

This unkind malady is dragging her towards the door of death and I’m standing here unarmed before God’s will. It feels like my world is falling apart gradually and I can do nothing to prevent the arrival of an impending catastrophe.

I have neither any courage nor any strength to give in return something to a woman from whom I have always been receiving, without questions asked, which is why I am penning down this half-penny’s worth write-up, an outburst of intertwined emotions, as a tribute to the only gracious woman who has been in my life. I still have faith in prayers, yours might help. Do please pray for us

A version of this article was also published on the print edition of Greater Kashmir on Friday 13 March 2015,