Tuesday 29 July 2014

An Ode To Death

Beyond the earth’s shell
is where my heart beats in haste
where I dig my own grave
and left myself there to live.


In the sheen of thy love
I behold madness in thy every glimpse
In the world – I had been depriving of.
I came here to endure
to get some sleep in thy soft cradle
and not to be bereaved of thy love – anymore.


In that plight instant
amid of vilest throng
when every tick-tock of the clock
made my heart to thud
and like thwarted thee for being mine.


To get departed from this filthy soul
I too have begged him [Angel of death] for death
to overcome all the calamities
my soul has strolled distance
to meet thine.


The life we had been living with tumults
we will cheer on its demise now
in the obscured & confined grave
we will be like flying birds
and not like the cons
in the liberated world.

Again love’ll come to me and I’ll pass it to thee
Again death would be the impediment
Again love’ll triumph & death shall not pass
Again we’ll get attire in the shroud of love
And again love’ll nuzzle us both.

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