Friday 29 August 2014

Oh Israel, I witness your tyranny!

 I fall short of words to perceive the chasm between being human and being Israeli. When I saw a child wailing amid corpses of his kin, when I saw a father holding his son and daughter dead in his arms, I fail to assemble an iota of courage to see the mother pulling out her hair madly on the demise of her newborn child; I couldn’t set a line that demarcates good from bad.
Israel is crossing all bounds of inhumanity and especially the bearded folks of the noble land; and what is intriguing is that the so called emperors of Arab have zipped their lips and turned their blind eyes. Their sloppy behavior reminds me of the great words of Albert Einstein: ‘The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of good people”. And you are suffering because of the Arab’s silence and alliance with the West.

Oh Gaza I am achingly remorseful for the predicaments you have been going through since every dawn, for I could not render you even more than to join the mayhems on the roads and make prayers for you, for we are focused under the same dictator and occupied by the same oppressor and for abomination elude of justice.

I remember the Nobel saying of Prophet (PBUH): “Muslims are like one body, if any part of it complains, the rest of the body will also stay awake in pain and honest to Allah, I feel it!” I feel your thorns palpably. Let them raze your land and castles. Let them splash your blood to the bottom. Let you get the glorious tag of martyr and let them make mockery of it by inventing mobile app called “Bomb Gaza”: you just have to buck up and have faith on the Almighty’s will power as Allah reminds us and wants us to come close to him, “I fulfill the faith of whosoever puts his faith in me; and I am with him and near him, when he calls me”.

Oh my unarmed warriors you have to grin and bear the tyranny of these tyrants. Let you conquer these war mongers by your strong prayers in the utmost dispirited and depressed times and let Allah conk them out. I witness your sufferings. I witness for that each blood drop your land has engrossed within. I witness the mute spectators of Muslim nations and I witness Israeli’s blatant discrimination and their tyranny.

A version of this article was also published in print edition of Kashmir Reader on Sunday, 31 August 2014

Tuesday 5 August 2014

What Are We Heading towards?

Since the times immemorial, from the day of bull carts to the era of jets; we have scaled lofty heights. Technology and goods of utility surround us. By all means we are living in a luxurious present but haplessly we are demolishing our future days on the other side. The absurd curiosity of the new era of technology has rusted our mind and soul as well.

We have lost touch with our earthly beings; the glorious traditions of the past and those refined habits inherited from our elders to show our respect towards out fellow human beings. Most of us now fail to display courtesy towards elders, indicative of our meager cultural gains in a world driven by technology.  We read a lot; yet, it seems, we understand and practice only a little. It reminds me of Kafka’s noble words: “I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound or stab us. If the book we’re reading doesn’t wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we reading for?”
Kafka’s words befit the present times in the sense that need is not to attire oneself first with branded cloths, watches and use of smart phones but to conduct oneself in a pleasant manner. Need is to act with the utmost courtesy towards older persons and especially towards female gender. Much of the time we folks say that zamana bada kharab hai (times have turned bad) but how often do we do some introspection.

We are abreast of the affairs of world by using smart phones or by other means, but we lack the smartness of the grey matter. Among the most threats, the engulfing rise of drug addicts and road Romeo’s has perished the bedrock of our society. And on the other side some bare-faced female folks have bungled the fair name of the valley (the valley of saints). We may become doctors, engineers, authors and the like but utmost need is to become a pious person first that would enhance our mentality and not to land us in the fool’s paradise. Parents ought to remain enough cautious towards their children and not let them resort to wrong activities that are most likely to ruin them as well as the future of the whole society. Lack of brotherhood is another nuisance in our living world. Time is to yearn for real faith, brotherhood and co-operation because we have got trapped in the net of predicaments where our future seems blurred and withered. We are under the focus of dictators who just dream of our separation and incoherence.

Time is to cease all those things which are behind and step forth onto those which are about to arrive. It is time to remember past just enough to shun repeating mistakes and put the rest of it all on the dung heap. Even the Almighty doesn’t care nearly as much about where you have been as he does about where are you and where are you heading off to. 

A version of this article was also published in print edition of Rising Kashmir on Tuesday, 05 August 2014