Thursday 22 November 2012

Moments Of Joy And Dire...@

Such moments those I never forget
Such moments for those I regret
The time when I was King
No rest,
No Thrust,
And still in joy.
Dreamful nights and the humorous days
The life was really full with gays.
Every time when I was trying to understood
That was my delicious babyhood.

Now come to teen,
and see the scene,
of feeling pain
when the work goes in vain.
Now the nights are no longer the same
nor the days those,
Eyes are widen & the hearts collapsed,
when examinations are very close.
Now I am conscious;
to attain the success.
And struggling for the fruitful results.

And there are no words,
for my unknown future
don’t know how to capture
that is mystery of nature… [09-sep.-2008]

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