Tuesday 13 May 2014

My Heaven On Earth *

I Gasp!
In my hearts whole realm, the tranquility reigns
If I am able to précis about my little heaven.
for awhile away from grief and despair
I went out on a razzle with nostalgic moments,
along its ocean of ecstasies and euphoria’s
Episodes of tumults and commotions sank and perish.

Amid its fond warmth of love and nuzzle
All the hatred and throbs came to a halt.
From its lenient womb to its lap of luxury
Its emblems of contentment on my triumph.

of my vivid savvying of that every tear
that thee wailed on my hapless befall.
Through the trait of my grey matter
of reminiscing the old events of yore,
Thy incessant enduring on every vicissitude
Thy inspirations of being sturdy against tragedies.
In the times of my crippling maladies
I feel thy insomnia, thee tasted.

I desole! On my bended knees;
for my unexpected guerdons.
For this ha’p’oth eulogy of thee son
for that every faux pas I took in thy absence
I took a solemn pledge that I’ll dodge them all.

Oh Mother! The verses I’ve woven in thy praise and my remorse
flunked to depict the pain and gain.
For my hearts peace and tranquility
I stuck my gaze on thy gorgeous face.
As it strikes a chord of love with me,
on the harp, from the cradle to the grave.
Of thy love, a blessed meed from deity
If I would find my grave beneath thy feet.
In my little heaven, till the whole voyage
from life to death and death to life.

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