Friday 10 May 2013

SHE-The Lost Elixir.

She might be the face I can’t forget
once who was my pleasure is now regret
the world contains her no more
but is still alive in my hearts core
she was the reason behind my every smile
and now behind the every wail.


Hopes aren’t now alive
not even a single flash is present
without thou; gardens are abolished
flowers are wilted and life is absent

Today I felt like a stranger in the world
like a forgotten yesterday.

Life is mine lost the fascinated colors too soon
joys gradually fade away and I am detaining for the moon.
May be the day is coming aren’t;
when the moon obviates this obscure
and time would plays the facetious tone.

I’ve lost the faculty of googling the assassin
who has given me this immortal pain
where I can’t make any gain
and would remains in vain.

I can’t desist myself form thy memories
even I don’t want
How can I desolate them and move on in fain.


She was the reason I survive.
She is the reason I am alive.
She would be always talked in the future.
And I will remember her till the end of time.

One soul and one body are destined to be.
The meaning of my life is SHE…

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