Monday 6 May 2013

Because It Is Only Thou

I want to flee; I want to hide
from all the pain you cause inside
To whom I relate? To whom I rely?
Nobody to hark, nobody to imply.

Where thou are?
I’m surviving on this lonely land
I’m standing all alone & forlorn
wailing in agony.

The pain I hide is too much to bear
In the eternal sleep I ope my eyes
and the tears rolled straight to the pillow
I caught myself reminiscing the time
the time that we’d spend together.

I was lost inside in obscure
I was sobbing and moaning.
and all I felt was thy absence
I wish I were dreaming
but, I heard the faint acoustic of thy shrieking.

I shrunk myself under the blanket
knowing that I’ll never see thou anew.

The pain is too intense
and the feelings I felt
Is like torture; I’ve faced.

I can’t deal with it anymore
because it was thou who always adore
It was thou inwards who soar
and now all I felt is sore.

How can I forget leave thou behind?
Erase the memories from my mind.
How can I see through thy closed eyes?
When thy hello’s turn into goodbye’s.
How can I desire for another day?
When thou aren’t nigh where we laid.

Neither I can forget thou, Nor I cam shun in see
Because, It was thou who bring out good in me.

It is only Thou, for that I live the rest.
And will do it “TO A T” to get the best...

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