Wednesday 22 January 2014

I Had A Dream ^^

I had a dream that we were together

and we abide in the serene skies.

Beneath the sapphire curtains of heaven

reclining on the crimson beds of flowers,

where we recreate and recast the time for us.

A new dawn in the deficiency of miles

along the floor of stars we make a romance

we make them shine more & others ignite.

I had a dream that in the time of every dusk

thou were my valentine & I sent thou first sigh

amidst of stars & fiddling puffs of air,

we could take a dinner on the verge of dazzling moon

amid of colloquy we repose in the lap of cosmoses

& when I awoke I were there in the cradle  of thine

I had a dream that I could make you mine

all I yearned for the everlasting company of thine

I don’t know if I were worth to thou

still I dreamt a simple dream of being with thou

and the dream I dreamt remained a dream for me.

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