Sunday 23 February 2014

Lovelorn "

I gasp!
In the fuzzy look of dawn
beneath the duvet of dreams
I felt her clasp;
our entwined hands & her breathes.

Amid the innocuous emotions
I flunked to capture the scene of affections
Interim we went to the land where fairies dwell,
where we abode beneath the crimson buds
we recline on the verge of rivulet
and stick the gazes to the firmament.

She removed the strand of hair from her cheek,
she tugged my hand and snuggle – I love the most
as the morning breeze held the chill
the sun also splashed its beam, gradually it turned yellow from orange.

Her invaluable benevolence of being my intimacy – every time
Her grins & her venting of breathes nearby my neck
made a stupid me to fell for her – again & again
All the senses of mine, greatened the intensity,
colors seem brighter – alluring
sounds more resonant – pleasing
and smells even powerful – soothing

Nature seem even prettier when her gaze meets mine
In her eyes which gleams more beautiful, more ravishing;
than any pearl known to me
In her sedate eyes, I went deep to sink
slowly her lips bussed my cheek,
In the zeal our lips were about to meet
and I lost myself in the sensation of her embrace.

Interim a yank of reality shuts the scene,
and shook up my mind
I wailed to realize it a dream only,
I awaken with a dilapidated heart
and I leaned back with a handful of abridged appetite.

Monday 10 February 2014

A Tinge Of Pain

I didn’t know it
but I am not a hostile
oh! I ain’t
I’m your comrade, Listen
with a feeble heart
just a need of thy ogle
and a pleasure of heed
will make it all at end
hoodoo is all mine
my surly behavior let you to shirk
beyond the dark hills like the howl irks
when heart erupts in throb
when tears trickle down
a tinge of something I feel
I thy absence.
Since the outset of our amity
to the end of every composed verse
we did a couplets of tiff
still in Omni orisons
we made a wish in contrite
of everlasting fellowship of ours
out rightly In the outing of time
we wove the dreams of overexertion, we shouldn’t
and the threads of being one,
we tied are torn apart
the rivulets and sobs of heart
have dried up & vaporized in tears.
The jerk of relic moments;
their redolence;
they replenish the eyes with anguish
on their arrivals,
from yore through my hearts ravine.
In estimate sighs of wail
I timid my soul gradually
In the Google of thou
where I hear the hearsays of thine
fatuously I cry out on every halt
Thy breach of oaths fanned the flames
I amend, I vigil for my solemn vow’s
like a waif in the loss of home
In the loss of domicile, he wails in agony
Isn’t it outlandish, In the dale of love,
Romeo is suffering from Philophobia
Ask me, I won’t dalliance
I have straggled in straits
Just in the starvation of thy amity.

Tuesday 4 February 2014


After the breaking of dawn
surreptitiously I was clutched
from the quod to my last journey.
In the haste I bid an adieu to Omni mate
to those surly walls I’ve spent a decade with
I recite the holy verse of Quran and Liven up myself.
They bestow me with a pen & paper
on the betimes solicit of mine.
As I want to jot; jot down for my kindred’s
for my amigos and for my land.
A far & wide from me; but as close as breathes are
For awhile I closed my eyes to overcome the calamity
and here I find myself amidst of kinfolks
having the sips of non-chai  & colloquies
wrapping KANGRI [fire-pot] beneath the PHERAN [cashmere cloak]
To keep the winter chill at bay.
In the midst of scene, I went out on the razzle
I roam along the rivulet of my orchard
where birds utter mellifluously, creeks sing seamlessly and flowers fascinate.
In the interim, I harked the chuckles of “ Ghalib ”
I saw him lounging towards his BABA
and “ Tabbasum ” was in ecstasy – she had been depriving of
I reminisced the time of fetes I entertained with comrades
I see long queues of folks outside my home
tarrying for my arrival & my home is festooned in Toto,
I ope my eyes as I felt the jerk of men
& I summed up my entire life in sojourned yore,
They took me to my last journey of yards
The walls of courtyard carry a soggy look
They were groaning, moaning & sobbing
In the loss of their durable companion.
The hands of clock are ticking swift
my hands are tied to my back
An I saw a snare of white rope – dangling ahead of my eyes
Subitary they attired my head with a black grab – I never used to
In the serene atmosphere I heard the ticking of clock
obvio. I was living the last tick-tocks of life
I felt the snare on my neck
my heart starts to throb hastily,
the man pulled the lever
and I am hanged…