Monday 10 February 2014

A Tinge Of Pain

I didn’t know it
but I am not a hostile
oh! I ain’t
I’m your comrade, Listen
with a feeble heart
just a need of thy ogle
and a pleasure of heed
will make it all at end
hoodoo is all mine
my surly behavior let you to shirk
beyond the dark hills like the howl irks
when heart erupts in throb
when tears trickle down
a tinge of something I feel
I thy absence.
Since the outset of our amity
to the end of every composed verse
we did a couplets of tiff
still in Omni orisons
we made a wish in contrite
of everlasting fellowship of ours
out rightly In the outing of time
we wove the dreams of overexertion, we shouldn’t
and the threads of being one,
we tied are torn apart
the rivulets and sobs of heart
have dried up & vaporized in tears.
The jerk of relic moments;
their redolence;
they replenish the eyes with anguish
on their arrivals,
from yore through my hearts ravine.
In estimate sighs of wail
I timid my soul gradually
In the Google of thou
where I hear the hearsays of thine
fatuously I cry out on every halt
Thy breach of oaths fanned the flames
I amend, I vigil for my solemn vow’s
like a waif in the loss of home
In the loss of domicile, he wails in agony
Isn’t it outlandish, In the dale of love,
Romeo is suffering from Philophobia
Ask me, I won’t dalliance
I have straggled in straits
Just in the starvation of thy amity.

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