Wednesday 19 March 2014

Sans Thou*

It is my soul where thou reside
my heart where thou beat
my eyes & ears where from thou watch & hark
my breaths the path where thou travel
my mouth from where you speak
my life where do thou exist
simply, Thou are where I am
and what I am is nothing sans thou.

Like flower seems sans smell
honey sans taste
Oceans sans water
firmament sans sun & moon
book sans script,
And me sans Thou.

Like song seems sans music
dessert sans rain
earth sans flora & fauna
a child sans mother
heart sans love,
And me sans thou.

At the time of dusk – thou came
through thick & thin thou have stayed
In the amidst of catastrophes & poignant anxieties
Thou bring along such sheen – that has obviated the pang
and new dawn with ecstasies & euphoria’s came in my being.

Just because I ain’t telling thou – doesn’t mean I don’t do
I didn’t sleep many nights – in thy memory.
I am so afraid of losing thou – All I can say or do is I Love You
Thou are the angel I have met – of late
the mere one who’d brought smiles along
I realized thou are the dream come true.
On the continual tarry for thou
when thou retort back avec love words
that will relish my being & let me live anew.

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