Wednesday 3 September 2014

~ Ode To My Tutor ~

Let this dusk ebbs in the obscurity.
let the dawn breaks the threshold.
Beneath the glittering sun & sunken stars,
let me knit some verses in his tribute.

Deep in my mind, there lies a bulk of queries,
I feel a lump in my throat
and a rush of beats inside the bosom.


What If I couldn't mold my musings?

What If I couldn't shape them up?
The whole obsession- whets my appetite
and the answers came up in haste.
On his every gag; what I've cherished.
Within my heart; I'm glad,
for enthusiastic lad, I've chosen as tutor.

In him not less than an amigo - I've found.
A Lesson behind his every speech,
Not on the inkling notions - I'm telling this,
about this ebullient chap & his savvy.
Along the lanes of perceptions,
through my heart's whole realm,
I've beholden - what I'm jotting down.

I Desole! For my every Faux pas;
for I ain't befitting in thy anticipations,
for my bitter experience in thy subject.
Honest to Allah-I give it my best shot,
with a devoted mind - I've burned the mid-night oil.
Yet I find myself in the vibes of failure - haplessly.

From the touch of his fine style,
and the heights he has scaled in knowledge.
It seemed, no longer I am tamer.
About his clarity and Fanaticism, I wish I could say aloud.
They glints in him, alike stars in the firmament.
By his tact, I'm embolden to such extent,
that I'm revering calculus on the tip of thoughts.

In thy gratitude most amicably.
For thy clarity,
For the zeal I've engrossed.
So-Gracias for made me feel proud.
I remorse for my ha'p'orth ode to thee,
I remorse for my insufficient notions,
for my pen has wind up to compose further.
And I failed to explain Thee.

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