Friday 5 September 2014

`` Fragile Silence ``

With lamented eyes and poignant heart
every beat sounds sad and every tear shrieks
on the brink of tributary, on the pebbly floor
amid of fathomless silence, and water acoustics
hand in glove like silence and dusk are
and cheerless river was tarrying for my arrival.

Like sun was going to dip in the creek,
and enchanting communication of birds.
Like flourishing buds hovering on the water
and the scene of dancing aquatics.

Like gloomy stream, I hold flowing soreness
inside along my hearts deep ravine.
Like gleaming rays, there exist no bounds
where my affections would give up.
Like blooming buds, Thee could adorn me
as they made this cheerless rivulet.

Like the firmament appears with earth on the horizon
I behold charisma beyond their every tryst.
Like the wind and the desert fragrances’ along
dune to dune – in the scent of dust.

Like their tryst – let us have the charm of one
beyond the horizon, on the sly.
Like wind and dunes – let us get mixed up evermore
in the aroma of love – Thee in Me and Me in Thee.

No more it'll remain a dusk - if we'll meet at the sundown
But'll emerge in a dazzling dawn - like sun and moon dancing as one.

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