Saturday 18 October 2014

Don't Fall In Love But Rise In Love

Regardless of the endeavors we go through, to procure what our desires urge us to pursue; It is too truthful a statement to be rebuffed that very few manage to achieve the ambitions they have set before them. Hence, we are left with no option but to accept what destiny has already framed for us. Without dwelling further on the helplessness we are overpowered by, before the strange case of Destiny etc, let me turn to the theme I have chosen for today's write up. Yes -" Don't fall; rather rise in Love". Facing the harsh reality, it is quite reasonable to say that your ride can't always turn out to be smooth when you fall in love. It is certain, for a time being, your life may appear to be full of excitements, dramas and happiness. Everything else seems running unhindered. Even its pain itself take the form of cure like, glitterati Leo Dicaprio (Jack) felt after falling in love with Kate Winslett (Rose) in TITANIC . This merriment and delight can last long but all you have to do is to keep rising in love instead of falling in it.

In the current times, being in relationship is not a new thing but as common as anything. For a time being, getting crazy about someone seems nice to such an extent that even the person (himself/herself) hardly wishes to get rid of it but once you lose your prestige, then and only you become conscious to the cost of being in relationship. When the ecstatic moments take no time to turn into wails and dreadful ones and very soon this agitation of nerves lets you to realize that what you were portraying the dream was only an illusion in real life. The euphoria fades away and you are faced with sufferings along with a great deal of distress and chaos. In my views; one should not get involved in relationships preposterously. "Dribs-and-Drabs are the
 people who respect the emotions of others while as rest of the lads just consider Love as a convenient route to pass the time– which is highly disgusting and condemnable.

Quite often we “Bend our Ears” on this topic and come up with a bulk of views on it. Love has no set answer for it. Different minds deliver different judgments about love and it mainly depends upon the person how they treat and get treated by it. Poets and authors have tried to define the statement of love for centuries and many of us know intuitively that love is major purpose for living- the connection which is inherent in all that we do and sans love we cannot survive as a species but love is a complex matter and if it
 could be elaborated logically, all the relationships would get their goals and all the agonies it cause will vanish away.

A widespread perception goes: “Love is blind” or “futile”. These are just some false ideas raised by losers in this field. But my conscience says love is force that can help you to expand your life and bring forth your innate potential with dynamic vitality but the condition is that you’ve to do it with the hearts purity, in a nice and fair way. A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage and bring out good in each other. Hush-hush, if you tend to neglect your kindred while being in a relationship; if your partner becomes your only central focus; if you over shade everything else excepting it, you are surely going on a wrong track. And definitely will its negative influence affect your life - thus depriving you of the perfect happiness. Antoine de saint – Exupery, the author of the LITTLE PRINCE, once wrote, “Love is not two people gazing each other, but two people looking ahead together in the same direction.” By following these words, your relationship will last longer and that too in a cheerful manner. Simply, when both the partners share similar values, beliefs and respect their differences, there is a little possibility of discord. Safety lies in avoiding getting so love-struck as to attempt creating a world where only the two of them exist and succumbing to the view that love is the “be all and end all”.

In the end, let me admit that sans respect and trust neither will the relationship last long nor will two people be able to bring out the best in each other.So don't follow the literal meaning and fall in love - rise in love anyway, you and I keep rising.

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