Wednesday 8 October 2014

Fallen Twilight

Braving the odds alone
Ruptured in catastrophes’
Amid shrieking tranquility
He was wailing – on his deceased paramour
Beneath the maple – on the recliner
The falling twilight – was reminiscing  him
The every tryst they had, there
On the same recliner,
Beneath the same maple
 Resting his head – in her lovely lap
Staring her elegant face
bruising his lips on her forehead
clasping and nurturing her with love
sweeping off her tears – from her cheeks
Holding her hands,
leaving and holding again,
entwined his fingers with her.
Cherishing her priceless smiles,
Her ogles and Tattle-Tales.
Missing her achingly,
He was wishing for her presence – only
He was craving for a soul – for his Skelton
and a charm – for his uncharmed  face
Even the fascinating communication of birds,
made him feel so deaden and seclude.
Once who was a mob in itself
was now alone and broken
like a moon amid stars.
Like a single tree in desert.
Like an Air on Lifeless planet
with nobody to respire it.

I don’t wanna live life anymore, he said;
Not by befriending her dearth
Not with her apparition.
Memorizing the time,
when she “swept him off his feet”,
He got a lump in his throat
He – on the verge of tears
Narrated – I lost all I had
I lost her – I lost life
for she was a life of mine.
Life – Life sans her is like;
a creek with no water in it to flow.
It’s like a new dawn
sans mounting sun – sprouting its sheen.
It’s like a cloudy firmament
but no rain to rain for years.
Is like this maple tree,
When beneath its me sans her.
Its like this recliner,
Where I’m resting alone,
without her lap I laid my head in.
Without her hands with I’d have entwined mine.
Without her face, I used to stick my eyes upon.
It’s like this planet but with no life doable on it,
With no Sun and a Moon to dazzle it.
It’s like ME Sans HER...

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