Monday 26 August 2013

Epic...[Tale Of Two Hearts]

come I'll tell you the tale,
The tale of two hearts
Remove the veil from my face
Tears are spilling down the cheeks
I shall! I shall get peace by dying.

I still remember it vividly,
A new dawn came in my being,...
That drowned me in the Love of her.
The words that were spoken
remain unsaid;
The emotions that were felt
Quivered eagerly on the ambit of heart.

The gaiety of excitements,
The tears of happiness,
The way I was alive
With joy & elation.
All the way Thou made me feel
As if it were yesterday.

I still remember the time
The time of dusk
A rendezvous of ours
When I was Ill,
Shivering due to bleak,
And Thou wraped me in Thy cradle
The warmth I Felt,
The Aroma of Thy breathes,
Is all I need, Nevertheless.
The words Thou mumble.
In The ears of mine
Are still echoing somewhere,
The words thou narrate, were;
'' Come near me, & Don't ever go away,
Lovingly, Let's drown in depth of this night.
Don't get afraid of anything
I'm holding you tight in my arms,
Forget all the throes & just smile.
Don't Let this time go, We'll treasure every moment,
Come closer, we need to meet, that time is about to come.
Come & Let's get drown in the dreams underneath the blanket of Love.''

Amy Words of thine were touchy.
I'm getting drenched
In the tears of mine. Peer!

Its not possible to narrate,
How notion eneterd my mind.
Once conceived it,
Is now haunting me from dawn till dusk.

Objects there were none,
Passions there were none (Without making you mine)
I Loved & I've lost.
She'd never wronged me,
Never she had given me insult.
For her gold I'd no desire,
I think It was her eyes! Yes It was.
She'd the eyes of a vulture, Pale blue eyes.
Whenever they fell upon me,
My blood ran cold & so by degrees.

Very Gradually;
I've made up my mind now
Not to think of her anymore.
Long fancy I've build
Between me & her memories.
Between me & the zeal of watching her mine.
Between me & everything that we desired together.

In the continual groans & grizzles
Tears are spilling down,
On the bended knees,
I'm shrieking For thine forgiveness AMY.
For not carrying this Intense pang now.
For not hearking the hideous beating of this heart.
And I'm in the gasp of blue...

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