Saturday 17 August 2013

Friendship...[Box & Dice]

While doodling
The name of thine
my notion's recede
I acquiesce,
It was rendezvous by fate,
It was the gladness of mine...
that i had you,
Although it was not long enough,
that I thought It'd be,
In a wee time
you stayed,
Through Thick and Thin.
The way you exalted,
The way you Fondled,
The way you rebuked,
For the mistake.
All the time we had
was a Love-In
I Elicit,
that your Amity(Friendship) still mean the world to me.
I can't verbalize,
Your amiability,
The way you remained
Amicable in amity.
I'm gonna miss you much.
Your pensive looks,
your selfless care,
your coyness
And even your tattletales.
Wish I could hear that anew.
Just once I could feel,
The dandle of Thine.
You embellished the being
when your jocose crossed the acme,
Tomorrow I may never see,
I elicit, I avow.
That your Friendship means the world to me...

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