Friday 30 August 2013

A Girl In The Gown

I Gasp
What happens is,
I'm goint to jot her down....

Deep down i feel her.
At my heart's deep ravine.
I close my eyes, I hold my breath.
Trembling in the bleak of winter.
Underneath the cloudy azure,
Beyond the white carpet,
I avowadly said;
I mumble a few words
That I saw the Angel on the Planet.

What the dawn it was,
Alone in b/w the hustle of creatures.
She slipped onto the snowy acreage,
Then rushed towards me,
Shivering due to cold & the hustle
She stared for awhile;
And ramble the words ''Oh This Cold''.
While chafing her hands,
I outdraw my anorak.
And muffle her body with it.

Her colloquies, Her warm embrace.
Her wistfull looks, Her gleefull smile.
Her warbled voice, Her selfless care.
Here infinite love, Her perfect treasure.
Was all I felt,
Was all I cherished.
And Is All I want.

While treading together,
She clenched my hand.
With the same foot steps.
We moved on.
I dropped her in the buggy,
and left the dwell.

In the consecutive dawn..
I saw her attired in the nice different way;
On the brink of a river.
The gleam of her eyes.
And the misty envelope.
Looks Like Fairy Angel fell from the heavens.
Her mingle soothed me inside.
All grief got released.
Then after a sudden strange reason.
She left the dwell in the Ire.
And never came back.

And I remained there,
All alone & forlorn.
Waiting for her agonizingly.
Though abundantly crumpled.
As my being was now cimmerian shaded.
Once who used to be sheened.
All she did
All she said;
Was such a pangful.
And the Girl;
A Girl In The Gown.
Was none otherthan my bosom pal....

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