Thursday 13 November 2014

Nature Wants Us To Introspect

Since the flood fury, a drizzle send shivers down the spine of Kashmiris. Whether it is the result of our deeds or “test by God”, in both the cases we aren’t ready to change ourselves. The sad part is that we don’t even bother to think whether we should mend our ways or not. The rain, which frequently enriches the beauty of meadows, forests and fields, has come with devastation to the disturbing limits of unattractiveness.

A well known Kashmiri proverb goes “huen’ lot tra’yaak khumbs, tat’ ti dra’aaw huen’ lot uy “ – which means bent tail of a dog was kept under the soil, but it couldn’t get rid of its curviness. I mean from the preceding catastrophe in the form of earthquake of 2005 it is clear that we did not learn any lesson and if we fail to learn anything now then above mentioned saying suits us better.

Think it this way. When everybody was shouting pick up and run away with whatever you can, look for a safe shelter wherever possible, when everybody was beating his/her bosom and was enchanting the holy verses of Quran and repenting for his/her hidden and apparent sins, and when some others were shrieking that Jhelum has breached its borders; nature above there must have mumbled, ‘you ruined and wasted my beautiful resources, now face my wrath’.

“Poz chu toth” – truth is bitter and the reality is that Jhelum was not breaching its banks but it wanted to reclaim its original limits; looking for what once was its own and what people had usurped now to build beautiful concrete. Of course in the search of its limits, Jhelum destroyed whatever came to halt its march – mostly the illegal constructions along the threshold of Jhelum. It is a clear indication that nature unleashes its rage not at all by itself but when it is compelled to do so by the greed of a man.

Yot tam poz pazi, tot’tam alam dazi – “until the truth is revealed, the world would have burnt to ashes. The recent catastrophe in the valley undeniably exposed the undue interference of humans in nature, which otherwise must be allowed to take its own course. Whether it was because of heavy rainfall or anything else, if we had paved way for overflowing Jhelum waters to ease itself, we could have saved ourselves. Now even if we are ready to greet its pact but it would be like “shaal tchlit bath’n lor’I” – To beat hedges after the jackal has run away.

William Ruckelshaus once said: “Nature provides us a free lunch but only if we control our appetites.” Alas, for our materialistic lust we have destroyed it all!. We left it with no option but to destroy us. It merrily did. It rendered us helpless, so helpless that we didn’t even know where to run for. Doesn’t all that call for some introspection? Introspect, we must!

Aversion of this article was also published in print edition of daily Kashmir Reader on Thursday, 13 November 2014

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