Tuesday 11 November 2014

" UnSung Emotions "

There is a word of love
they narrate through eyes
in every profund silence
that reigns
and shines on them.

There is a world
where they meet
before the sun hit the mountains
where they exist
beyond a great margin
but beats together.

There comes a span
one after every round
that clock makes
when obscurity looms
on Box and dice.
Of night's woven darkness
where they have a tryst
when rest disappears
and sleeps in the slumber.

There comes a dawn
when they break
frozen and befallen serene
when they speak
and somethings go unsaid.

There is a land
where insanes reside
and call themselves Human.
where moon is blamed
when sun hides
where cloud bursts
but never bring rain.

where he beholds her
the reason for;
the heart his bosom embraces
where his world depopulates
when she remain unseen

and sun rains poignancy
and moon turns black.

Where they have build nest
of dreams; living together.
Of sapphire curtain
dangling on the pane.
Of crimson carpet beneath.

Where he would fondle her
and make odes
in her love and tribute
where his eyes stick
to the way;
he still waits there
They cherished last where.

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